Statistics for guild [ARW] Arrow on Axion Return to Axion Dashboard

All the details for the guild [ARW] Arrow. The charts show the server average along side the guilds' level, economy, fleet, technology and experience over a customisable date range.

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Member Statistics (23 February 2025) Share this page

Only members who rank in the top 1000 overall for a category are listed. Other members may not be shown or will have statistics missing.

Player Level Economy Fleet Technology Experience
1 Rex Valdorn 73.70 7,590 26,202,760 2,540,186 555,223
2 Buccy 67.74 9,881 14,101,110 5,965,074 127,507
3 Evil Alien CARTEL ® 63.51 4,792 13,499,200 2,293,211 283,807
4 Seattle 56.97 4,803 5,446,110 4,604,485 659,604
5 doctorwhos 54.66 4,471 3,963,030 4,513,552 224,297
6 Ohka12 53.83 5,103 3,047,330 4,836,833 78,898
7 Silver Dragon 53.82 4,386 3,166,880 4,782,396 118,226
8 velum 53.15 5,650 2,205,100 5,212,913 408,013
9 Aasimar 51.89 5,761 3,950,870 2,720,494 48,244
10 Eva01 51.73 2,591 1,432,890 5,466,765 39,941
11 Abisinth 50.41 4,562 3,787,110 2,213,768 2,897,850
12 cowpower 48.74 5,937 3,020,415 2,031,560 52,129
13 Chakota1 42.38 2,548 689,925 2,280,829 1,246,402
14 Tollorc 37.26 2,430 719,670 964,718 31,460
15 Sovereign 34.67 2,045 925,120 314,834 97,840
16 Mag 33.17 2,011 371,215 638,405 61,008
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