Statistics for guild [OA] Ordo Avengus on Axion

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Member Statistics (16 September 2024) Share this page

Only members who rank in the top 1000 overall for a category are listed. Other members may not be shown or will have statistics missing.

Player Level Economy Fleet Technology Experience
1 BLADERUNNER 46.33 5,130 384,410 3,711,812 566,891
2 0x426f62 40.90 1,948 0 2,603,400 315,425
3 Thrax 40.57 2,487 125,990 2,335,420 621,703
4 Tiwie 40.47 2,805 353,200 2,049,966 172,772
5 Thunder God 29.85 1,950 80,810 518,137 10,441
6 Samuel De Champlain 28.84 1,229 236,950 331,692 158,337
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