Statistics for guild [CMB] Crimson Blood on Bolt

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Member Statistics (16 September 2024) Share this page

Only members who rank in the top 1000 overall for a category are listed. Other members may not be shown or will have statistics missing.

Player Level Economy Fleet Technology Experience
1 Veress 40.38 3,891 616,760 1,652,189 396,279
2 Lianna 39.39 4,513 906,500 1,049,725 202,716
3 Tetsu 39.16 3,138 1,270,480 768,484 55,998
4 Grizzly 38.18 3,483 1,214,570 564,587 35,867
5 Barbon 38.00 2,256 544,660 1,315,029 112,781
6 Grouchy Gramps 37.37 2,376 725,190 987,023 27,750
7 WrenchRat 36.71 1,850 705,355 924,926 57,845
8 Helium 34.93 2,498 177,810 1,060,807 129,821
9 Crimson Blood 34.70 1,472 151,420 1,150,629 73,308
10 Alexander 34.11 2,566 423,455 674,189 267,105
11 Aen0914 33.97 1,966 261,390 874,358 172,885
12 Rymninksky 32.42 2,838 277,605 542,854 53,156
13 CaptFlagg 31.86 1,103 87,740 832,382 149,710
14 Beans 31.22 1,372 97,420 715,778 60,074
15 Player of Games 30.90 1,092 134,700 667,466 106,740
16 Nightly Hunter 30.05 1,697 31,845 614,209 7,824
17 Ariel 30.00 1,581 163,940 487,886 74,217
18 Gr1mR3ap3r 29.74 806 103,300 598,712 17,886
19 RagNar 29.44 1,172 94,785 538,831 68,174
20 Warsmith Khazad 24.72 790 53,705 240,935 1,593
21 Bobdabillder 24.10 720 85,710 179,395 25,269
22 420BootyWizard 23.57 668 23,220 218,571 50
23 I Am Vengeance 19.65 786 28,505 41,980 719
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