Statistics for guild [NR] No Rules on Falcon

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Member Statistics (19 September 2024) Share this page

Only members who rank in the top 1000 overall for a category are listed. Other members may not be shown or will have statistics missing.

Player Level Economy Fleet Technology Experience
1 Revic James 66.42 6,728 2,116,250 16,671,085 515,085
2 Exatmisi 58.52 3,356 61,850 11,328,911 35,397
3 Karmelia 57.98 1,769 122,040 11,002,978 76,112
4 Mr. Org 54.39 2,095 717,430 7,825,843 45,254
5 Inquisition 50.26 2,202 1,242,940 4,918,245 180,414
6 Lacplesis 46.05 2,224 235,735 4,037,972 1,650
7 Atypiel 41.06 999 212,240 2,531,421 82,117
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