Statistics for guild [HH] Hell Hounds on Fenix

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Member Statistics (16 September 2024) Share this page

Only members who rank in the top 1000 overall for a category are listed. Other members may not be shown or will have statistics missing.

Player Level Economy Fleet Technology Experience
1 Madcat 68.56 5,228 4,214,560 17,358,557 3,078,503
2 Trigger 50.16 4,860 3,693,120 2,152,836 0
3 Hera 33.53 3,702 526,200 366,883 0
4 GoDsLeFtHaNd 32.72 3,121 474,145 359,328 0
5 Samuel De Champlain 32.08 1,963 562,760 300,650 16
6 playfear 31.69 2,626 245,330 500,492 0
7 IBNUTZ 30.69 3,360 268,380 282,492 2,858
8 Insidious 29.81 2,009 255,525 332,979 0
9 Hell Raiser 29.80 2,303 220,620 337,875 499
10 Sl1m 29.12 1,821 259,215 277,985 43
11 RED VELVET 28.81 2,735 83,500 331,514 0
12 UNI 28.34 2,338 75,575 335,285 0
13 xXDrãstícChãngësXx 25.88 1,378 15,615 295,164 0
14 Darklander 20.82 751 30,720 82,049 0
15 conquistador 17.78 447 31,390 23,925 0
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