Hydra Server

Summary of the Hydra server, showing player, guild and NPC statistics. Top 5 player and guilds in each category are listed here as well as top bases ranked by economy level.


Average guild membership6
(Single player guilds not included)
649 out of 103,157 astros colonized
Server Stats
Fleet Maintenance83,538
United Colonies
4,187 3,555,350 671,961
1,959 746,500 8,147,015,065
Top Economy Full List
Top Technology Full List


1 Yossarian282,802,971
2 Mystical Icon246,393,612
3 The Clown217,398,004
4 Meow206,579,790
5 Finch192,296,052


Top Fleet Full List


1 Finch230,783,480
2 novus66,357,685
3 Xarchiel52,114,865
4 Odysseus43,776,870
5 Meow40,678,755


Top Experience Full List


1 Finch39,378,294
2 805 Destroyer34,669,626
3 novus25,976,797
4 Hepatitis20,372,631
5 Xarchiel19,645,103


Top Bases
Rank Name Eco Owner Occupied By
1 MIRA 475.00 Odysseus Not occupied
2 Sabine Wren 439.00 Yossarian Not occupied
3 The Saloon 434.00 PJ Not occupied
4 S8N-4 429.00 Meow Not occupied
5 0 427.00 Mystical Icon Not occupied
6 H11 418.00 The Clown Not occupied
7 Fholston 416.00 Finch Not occupied
8 Ort 412.00 Finch Not occupied
9 EC02 411.00 Dama Not occupied
10 19dedserver-G10 411.00 Meow Not occupied
11 Y1 396.00 Odysseus Not occupied
12 Tala Durith 395.00 Yossarian Not occupied
13 Dedra Meero 393.00 Yossarian Not occupied
14 Vel Sartha 393.00 Yossarian Not occupied
15 Cinta Kaz 393.00 Yossarian Not occupied
16 OP Shenanigans 392.00 Hawkeye David Not occupied
17 Betamil 392.00 Ghostaura Not occupied
18 X6 391.00 Odysseus Not occupied
19 Zucca 390.00 Finch Not occupied
20 WOOSH 10M! 389.00 Odysseus Not occupied
21 X5 387.00 Odysseus Not occupied
22 Y2 387.00 Odysseus Not occupied
23 Z2 386.00 Odysseus Not occupied
24 X2 385.00 Odysseus Not occupied
25 X3 384.00 Odysseus Not occupied
26 Helion Prime 382.00 Xarchiel Not occupied
27 Base 1 381.00 The Clown Not occupied
28 K12 381.00 Dama Not occupied
29 Barka 381.00 Finch Not occupied
30 CRAP, 5M drained 380.00 Odysseus Not occupied
31 Eos 380.00 Finch Not occupied
32 L17 379.00 Dama Not occupied
33 8 378.00 Mystical Icon Not occupied
34 17 378.00 Mystical Icon Not occupied
35 18 378.00 Mystical Icon Not occupied
36 19 378.00 Mystical Icon Not occupied
37 Afterglow 5 376.00 805 Destroyer Not occupied
38 N24 375.00 Dama Not occupied
39 M07 374.00 Dama Not occupied
40 Pipeline 370.00 Ozymandias Not occupied
41 A02 367.00 Dama Not occupied
42 J22 365.00 Dama novus
43 DISCOUNT BASE II 365.00 Odysseus Not occupied
44 ALPHA 363.00 Odysseus Not occupied
45 Z1 361.00 Odysseus Not occupied
46 Leftside 358.00 PJ Not occupied
47 Ashoka Tano 357.00 Yossarian Not occupied
48 B12 357.00 Dama Not occupied
49 X1 357.00 Odysseus Not occupied
50 Leia Organa 355.00 Yossarian Not occupied
51 W1 355.00 Odysseus Not occupied
52 W2 354.00 Odysseus Not occupied
53 DK 07-1 349.00 Finch
54 ? Okpa 346.00 Melek Taus Not occupied
55 F02 340.00 Dama Not occupied
56 IR02 339.00 Dama novus
57 Willie the Wimp 338.00 Ozymandias Not occupied
58 D17 337.00 Dama Not occupied
59 Ibis 337.00 Finch Not occupied
60 Chara 5.8 335.00 Finch Not occupied
61 G02 335.00 Dama Not occupied
62 Toryn Farr 335.00 Yossarian Not occupied
63 9% Apple Juice-6 335.00 Meow Not occupied
64 Ankle-5 334.00 Meow Not occupied
65 Dookie-5 334.00 Meow Not occupied
66 Slappy-5 334.00 Meow Not occupied
67 Pooterino-5 334.00 Meow Not occupied
68 Shanaynay-5 334.00 Meow Not occupied
69 Aare 8.7 334.00 Finch Not occupied
70 Comforter-5 334.00 Meow Not occupied
71 Congratulations5 334.00 Meow Not occupied
72 The Dream-6 334.00 Meow Not occupied
73 DK 27-1 334.00 Meow
74 Burger-5 334.00 Meow Not occupied
75 Ethereum-5 334.00 Meow Not occupied
76 H22 334.00 Dama Not occupied
77 Wediditreddit5 334.00 Meow Not occupied
78 Shaak Ti 333.00 Yossarian Not occupied
79 C07 333.00 Dama novus
80 Remus 333.00 Finch Not occupied
81 Shadow 13/24 333.00 Finch Not occupied
82 Discount Base 1 333.00 Odysseus Not occupied
83 Ait 332.00 Finch Not occupied
84 TheOuterLimits 1 332.00 805 Destroyer Not occupied
85 Xero 13.1 331.00 Finch Not occupied
86 DK 19-1 331.00 Finch
87 Creep 2 331.00 805 Destroyer Not occupied
88 I dont know-5 330.00 Meow Not occupied
89 Jyn Erso 330.00 Yossarian Not occupied
90 Draco 330.00 Finch Not occupied
91 Fashion Nugget18 330.00 Meow Not occupied
92 ChineseFountain5 330.00 Meow Not occupied
93 Aayla Secura 330.00 Yossarian Not occupied
94 Kaydel Ko Connix 330.00 Yossarian Not occupied
95 Lurker 5 330.00 805 Destroyer Not occupied
96 Rose Tico 330.00 Yossarian Not occupied
97 Expensive-5 330.00 Meow Not occupied
98 805-4 330.00 805 Destroyer Not occupied
99 Classified 3 330.00 805 Destroyer Not occupied
100 Mr. Edd 3 330.00 805 Destroyer Not occupied
101 Coast to Coast 1 330.00 805 Destroyer Not occupied
102 Tilt 2 330.00 805 Destroyer Not occupied
103 Gor 329.00 Finch Not occupied
104 Hamal 8.7 329.00 Finch Not occupied
105 Cold Sweat 4 329.00 805 Destroyer Not occupied
106 Brass Inc 3 329.00 805 Destroyer Not occupied
107 IsThisIt-G16 328.00 Meow Not occupied
108 Home Planet 328.00 Hawkeye David Not occupied
109 JG17-Log 23 327.00 Odysseus Not occupied
110 Bluecoats 2 327.00 805 Destroyer Not occupied
111 Brigs 4 327.00 805 Destroyer Not occupied
112 Naos 19.8 326.00 Finch Not occupied
113 Keep It Dark 5 326.00 805 Destroyer Not occupied
114 HELION 325.00 Odysseus Not occupied
115 Firth Of Fifth 5 325.00 805 Destroyer Not occupied
116 Rey From Nowhere 324.00 Yossarian Not occupied
117 Dosadi 324.00 Finch Not occupied
118 Lource 5.8/19.7 324.00 Finch Not occupied
119 Twilight Zone 1 324.00 805 Destroyer Not occupied
120 Thabit 323.00 Finch Not occupied
121 Manga 323.00 Finch Not occupied
122 Jabal 19.1 321.00 Finch Not occupied
123 Shora 320.00 Finch Not occupied
124 Alfabee 320.00 Ghostaura Not occupied
125 Outdoor? 318.00 Ghostaura Not occupied
126 Inside? 317.00 Ghostaura Not occupied
127 Bix Caleen 317.00 Yossarian Not occupied
128 Atlas 314.00 805 Destroyer Not occupied
129 Maz Kanata 313.00 Yossarian Not occupied
130 Mon Mothma 313.00 Yossarian Not occupied
131 Padme Amidala 313.00 Yossarian Not occupied
132 Hera Syndulla 313.00 Yossarian Not occupied
133 Luminara Unduli 313.00 Yossarian Not occupied
134 Mara Jade 313.00 Yossarian Not occupied
135 Paige Tico 313.00 Yossarian Not occupied
136 Amilyn Holdo 313.00 Yossarian Not occupied
137 Rush 313.00 805 Destroyer Not occupied
138 Logan 312.00 Ghostaura Not occupied
139 Zoid 4 310.00 805 Destroyer Not occupied
140 ? Ela 309.00 Melek Taus Not occupied
141 ? Gbegeva 309.00 Melek Taus Not occupied
142 Kegal 309.00 Ghostaura Not occupied
143 Fourteen 309.00 Ghostaura Not occupied
144 ? Eje 308.00 Melek Taus Not occupied
145 ? Esa 308.00 Melek Taus Not occupied
146 ? Gbelo 308.00 Melek Taus Not occupied
147 BooBee 308.00 Hawkeye David Not occupied
148 Biergarten 308.00 Hawkeye David Not occupied
149 ? Ehli 307.00 Melek Taus Not occupied
150 YOU SIMMER! 307.00 Odysseus Not occupied
151 ? Igbe 306.00 Melek Taus Not occupied
152 Gee 306.00 Ghostaura Not occupied
153 Home 306.00 Ghostaura Not occupied
154 Chimiera 306.00 Ghostaura Not occupied
155 Kegger Nation 304.00 Xarchiel Not occupied
156 ? Ise 304.00 Melek Taus Not occupied
157 Base H 303.00 The Clown Not occupied
158 SHW 303.00 HACKY Not occupied
159 ? Ithi 302.00 Melek Taus Not occupied
160 ? Eva 301.00 Melek Taus Not occupied
161 ? Gbegesa 301.00 Melek Taus Not occupied
162 Equis 301.00 Ghostaura Not occupied
163 base 5 300.00 deathinspace Not occupied
164 Novus16 sys 3 300.00 novus Not occupied
165 Strife 300.00 Hawkeye David Not occupied
166 Beertopia 299.00 Xarchiel Not occupied
167 Twofourteen 299.00 Ghostaura Not occupied
168 1 297.00 Mystical Icon Not occupied
169 2 297.00 Mystical Icon Not occupied
170 3 297.00 Mystical Icon Not occupied
171 4 297.00 Mystical Icon Not occupied
172 5 297.00 Mystical Icon Not occupied
173 6 297.00 Mystical Icon Not occupied
174 7* 297.00 Mystical Icon Not occupied
175 9 297.00 Mystical Icon Not occupied
176 10 297.00 Mystical Icon Not occupied
177 11 297.00 Mystical Icon Not occupied
178 12 297.00 Mystical Icon Not occupied
179 13 297.00 Mystical Icon Not occupied
180 14 297.00 Mystical Icon Not occupied
181 Filia 297.00 Ghostaura Not occupied
182 15 297.00 Mystical Icon Not occupied
183 16 297.00 Mystical Icon Not occupied
184 Xarthia 296.00 Xarchiel Not occupied
185 Bonkers 296.00 Hawkeye David Not occupied
186 210 296.00 PJ Not occupied
187 WHO 296.00 PJ Not occupied
188 Isaiah 296.00 Ghostaura Not occupied
189 Choppa 296.00 PJ Not occupied
190 ? Gbegise 295.00 Melek Taus Not occupied
191 Supernova 295.00 Xarchiel Not occupied
192 Wham! 295.00 Ozymandias Not occupied
193 Riviera Paradise 294.00 Ozymandias Not occupied
194 Galaga 294.00 Xarchiel Not occupied
195 Base 09-4 294.00 CyBoT Not occupied
196 Starlordia 294.00 Xarchiel Not occupied
197 MorePewPewLessQQ 294.00 Xarchiel Not occupied
198 Jaberwocky 294.00 Ghostaura Not occupied
199 Sarmatia 294.00 Xarchiel Not occupied
200 Cosco 294.00 Hawkeye David Not occupied
201 Cold Shot 292.00 Ozymandias Not occupied
202 ? Sevha 292.00 Melek Taus Not occupied
203 Base M 292.00 The Clown Not occupied
204 Base Z 292.00 The Clown Not occupied
205 Violet 292.00 Hawkeye David Not occupied
206 Skynet HQ 292.00 Hawkeye David Not occupied
207 Xperian 291.00 Xarchiel Not occupied
208 Pride and Joy 291.00 Ozymandias Not occupied
209 Atlantis 291.00 Xarchiel Not occupied
210 SWH1 291.00 HACKY Not occupied
211 Tip 291.00 PJ Not occupied
212 13C 291.00 The Clown Not occupied
213 Yellenev 291.00 PJ Not occupied
214 Delmas 291.00 Ghostaura Not occupied
215 Say What! 290.00 Ozymandias Not occupied
216 Nakatomi Plaza 290.00 Hawkeye David Not occupied
217 Pronto 290.00 Hawkeye David Not occupied
218 Kegger World 289.00 Xarchiel Not occupied
219 Kamehameha 289.00 Xarchiel Not occupied
220 Dirty Pool 288.00 Ozymandias Not occupied
221 Rude Mood 288.00 Ozymandias Not occupied
222 Love Struck Baby 288.00 Ozymandias Not occupied
223 Crossfire 288.00 Ozymandias Not occupied
224 SHW5 288.00 HACKY Not occupied
225 Galvatron 288.00 Xarchiel Not occupied
226 Scuttle Buttin 288.00 Ozymandias Not occupied
227 Elyria 287.00 Xarchiel Not occupied
228 Nutzaba 287.00 PJ Not occupied
229 Pretzelton 287.00 PJ Not occupied
230 Tin Pan Alley 286.00 Ozymandias Not occupied
231 SHW2 286.00 HACKY Not occupied
232 Lenny 286.00 Ozymandias Not occupied
233 Testify 286.00 Ozymandias Not occupied
234 Life by the Drop 286.00 Ozymandias Not occupied
235 H19 286.00 The Clown Not occupied
236 Tightrope 286.00 Ozymandias Not occupied
237 Tigrathia 286.00 PJ Not occupied
238 Dunbar 285.00 Hawkeye David Not occupied
239 24 Pack 284.00 Xarchiel Not occupied
240 Estonia 284.00 Xarchiel Not occupied
241 Hideaway 284.00 Ozymandias Not occupied
242 Ephesus 284.00 Azure Defiant Not occupied
243 DK 10-1 284.00 Finch
244 No Camouflage 3 284.00 805 Destroyer Not occupied
245 Base 13 283.00 The Clown Not occupied
246 ? Gbegeje 283.00 Melek Taus Not occupied
247 Omega Moo 283.00 Hawkeye David Not occupied
248 Boondocks 283.00 Hawkeye David Not occupied
249 DK 09-1 283.00 Finch
250 Bkackcat 283.00 Ghostaura Not occupied
251 Base S 282.00 The Clown Not occupied
252 Base E 281.00 The Clown Not occupied
253 SHW4 281.00 HACKY Not occupied
254 Base 13b 280.00 The Clown Not occupied
255 13D 280.00 The Clown Not occupied
256 Base W 279.00 The Clown Not occupied
257 Base 12 279.00 The Clown Not occupied
258 ? Gbegela 279.00 Melek Taus Not occupied
259 ?? love 279.00 Ghostaura Not occupied
260 DK 29-1 278.00 Not occupied
261 OhTHREE-7 278.00 Meow Not occupied
262 Freebie07-3 277.00 Meow Not occupied
263 MewTwo-6 277.00 Meow Not occupied
264 ? Gbegisevha 276.00 Melek Taus Not occupied
265 Tatum 276.00 PJ Not occupied
266 Portal JG10 276.00 HACKY Not occupied
267 OhAte-9 276.00 Meow Not occupied
268 SHW3 275.00 HACKY Not occupied
269 DK 20-1 275.00 Finch
270 SWH7 273.00 HACKY Not occupied
271 Pacific HW2 JG12 273.00 HACKY Not occupied
272 Base K 272.00 The Clown Not occupied
273 SWH6 JG12 272.00 HACKY Not occupied
274 O9 272.00 Dama Not occupied
275 Pacific HW3 JG12 272.00 HACKY Not occupied
276 The Light JG12 272.00 HACKY Not occupied
277 Pacific HW JG12 271.00 HACKY Not occupied
278 DK 06-1 271.00 novus
279 DK 13-1 270.00 Finch
280 Novus19 sys13 267.00 novus Not occupied
281 1408 262.00 PJ Not occupied
282 Novus13 sys 3 262.00 novus Not occupied
283 Novus18 sys 5 261.00 novus Not occupied
284 Novus7 sys 2 260.00 novus Not occupied
285 Novus6 sys 2 258.00 novus Not occupied
286 Novus9 sys 2 258.00 novus Not occupied
287 Hydra 258.00 Ghostaura Not occupied
288 Novus10 sys 2 257.00 novus Not occupied
289 Base 01-1 256.00 CyBoT Not occupied
290 The Dark JG10 256.00 HACKY Not occupied
291 Novus15 sys 3 255.00 novus Not occupied
292 H09 - Central 255.00 Bubble Not occupied
293 Novus1 sys0 253.00 novus Not occupied
294 Novus5 sys2a 253.00 novus Not occupied
295 H11 JG10 253.00 HACKY Not occupied
296 Novus3 sys 2 252.00 novus Not occupied
297 Welcome Center 250.00 Mechman Not occupied
298 H23 249.00 Narwhal Not occupied
299 NorfolkJG10 249.00 HACKY Not occupied
300 Novus4 sys 2 248.00 novus Not occupied
301 Base 09-3 247.00 CyBoT Not occupied
302 Novus11 sys 3 247.00 novus Not occupied
303 Base 09-5 246.00 CyBoT Not occupied
304 Reddog 245.00 Ghostaura Not occupied
305 Novus14 sys 3 244.00 novus Not occupied
306 Novus8 sys 2 244.00 novus Not occupied
307 Base 06-2 243.00 CyBoT Not occupied
308 Novus17 sys 3 243.00 novus Not occupied
309 Parrot Bay 242.00 Hepatitis Not occupied
310 H19 - Central 242.00 Bubble Not occupied
311 Be?eso 242.00 Chargercrazy Not occupied
312 6 242.00 Tx001 Not occupied
313 Novus12 sys 3 242.00 novus Not occupied
314 H26 242.00 Narwhal Not occupied
315 H11 - North 240.00 Bubble Not occupied
316 Base 20-1 237.00 CyBoT Not occupied
317 Base 235.00 The Clown Not occupied
318 Base 09-1 234.00 CyBoT Not occupied
319 Newfoundland 234.00 Ghostaura Not occupied
320 Base 09-2 232.00 CyBoT Not occupied
321 Base 06-1 231.00 CyBoT Not occupied
322 Convention C 14 231.00 Mechman Not occupied
323 Twins 229.00 Mechman Not occupied
324 Base 29-1 229.00 CyBoT Not occupied
325 H22 229.00 Narwhal Not occupied
326 Neptune 229.00 Ghostaura Not occupied
327 Base 19-1 228.00 CyBoT Not occupied
328 Ravenna 227.00 Azure Defiant Not occupied
329 Twistys 226.00 Mechman Not occupied
330 Constantinople 224.00 Azure Defiant Not occupied
331 H08 - Central 224.00 Bubble Not occupied
332 Carthage * 223.00 Azure Defiant Not occupied
333 Sirmium ** 223.00 Azure Defiant Not occupied
334 Base 20-2 222.00 CyBoT Not occupied
335 Tents Place 221.00 Mechman Not occupied
336 H17 - Central 221.00 Bubble Not occupied
337 yamal 221.00 Terminator Not occupied
338 Alexandria 220.00 Azure Defiant Not occupied
339 Milan 220.00 Azure Defiant Not occupied
340 Novus20 sys15 220.00 novus Not occupied
341 New Hope 220.00 HACKY Not occupied
342 Party Place 219.00 Mechman Not occupied
343 Base 10-1 219.00 CyBoT Not occupied
344 Amorium 219.00 Azure Defiant Not occupied
345 All Aboard 218.00 Mechman Not occupied
346 Base 25-1 217.00 CyBoT Not occupied
347 Thessalonika 217.00 Azure Defiant Not occupied
348 Mystras 216.00 Azure Defiant Not occupied
349 Rome 215.00 Azure Defiant Not occupied
350 Athens 215.00 Azure Defiant Not occupied
351 Novus21 sys20 215.00 novus Not occupied
352 Base 21-1 213.00 CyBoT Not occupied
353 Antioch ** 213.00 Azure Defiant Not occupied
354 Base 211.00 Azure Defiant Not occupied
355 H11 - Central 210.00 Bubble Not occupied
356 H13 - Central 210.00 Bubble Not occupied
357 Rectumcheckem 209.00 Xarchiel Not occupied
358 H14 - Central 207.00 Bubble Not occupied
359 08 ? ?? 207.00 Terminator Not occupied
360 H21 ?? 207.00 Terminator Not occupied
361 H10 - Central 206.00 Bubble Not occupied
362 To?ni?ts?i?li? 206.00 Chargercrazy Not occupied
363 H20 206.00 Narwhal Not occupied
364 Novus2 sys 1 206.00 novus Not occupied
365 H07 - Central 205.00 Bubble Not occupied
366 Speak Easy 205.00 Ozymandias Not occupied
367 H15 - Central 204.00 Bubble Not occupied
368 H29 - Central 204.00 Bubble Not occupied
369 H03 200.00 Narwhal Not occupied
370 H28 199.00 Narwhal Not occupied
371 Cosa ** 198.00 Azure Defiant Not occupied
372 H28-1 ?? 198.00 Terminator Not occupied
373 H25 197.00 Narwhal Not occupied
374 H27 196.00 Narwhal Not occupied
375 GweenWand 196.00 Ozymandias Not occupied
376 H12 ?? 194.00 Terminator Not occupied
377 H21 194.00 Narwhal Not occupied
378 H12 - Central 193.00 Bubble Not occupied
379 H16 - Central 192.00 Bubble Not occupied
380 H27 ??? 192.00 Terminator Not occupied
381 H24 192.00 Narwhal Not occupied
382 Doctor Wong 192.00 Ozymandias Not occupied
383 H18 - Central 191.00 Bubble Not occupied
384 H13 - SW 191.00 Bubble Not occupied
385 H26-1 ?? 191.00 Terminator Not occupied
386 Sun Worshipper 190.00 Mechman Not occupied
387 Factory15? MR 190.00 Terminator Not occupied
388 Wavecrest 189.00 Hepatitis Not occupied
389 Far Nord ? (R) 189.00 Terminator Not occupied
390 H02 189.00 Narwhal Not occupied
391 Jig 189.00 entropy novus
392 Point Break 188.00 Hepatitis Not occupied
393 Supertubes 188.00 Hepatitis Not occupied
394 Ronvorelle 188.00 Hepatitis Not occupied
395 Davos 29 ?? 188.00 Terminator Not occupied
396 Pizza World 186.00 Mechman Not occupied
397 H25 RES 186.00 Narwhal Not occupied
398 Beacon Bay 185.00 Hepatitis Not occupied
399 Jeffreys Bay 184.00 Hepatitis Not occupied
400 Long List 182.00 Mechman Not occupied
401 Lab 15 ? (r) 182.00 Terminator Not occupied
402 base 12 181.00 deathinspace Not occupied
403 Locomotion 180.00 Mechman Not occupied
404 Surfers Paradise 180.00 Hepatitis Not occupied
405 Oolje?e?? 180.00 Chargercrazy novus
406 Hadria ** 180.00 Azure Defiant Not occupied
407 10 177.00 Chargercrazy Not occupied
408 Tse? naat?a? 176.00 Chargercrazy Not occupied
409 Tseebíí? go?ne? 176.00 Chargercrazy Not occupied
410 08 176.00 Tx001 Not occupied
411 Charlie 175.00 entropy novus
412 The Brig 174.00 Voodoo Not occupied
413 1 173.00 Tx001 Not occupied
414 5 173.00 Tx001 Not occupied
415 13 173.00 Tx001 Not occupied
416 Caribbean Cove 172.00 Hepatitis Not occupied
417 Klendathu 172.00 Emperor Aguirres Not occupied
418 George 172.00 entropy novus
419 Hoth ? 171.00 Terminator Not occupied
420 H08 171.00 Narwhal Not occupied
421 Pochven 171.00 The Clown Not occupied
422 Zarzack 171.00 The Clown Not occupied
423 The Pit 170.00 Voodoo Not occupied
424 Fox 170.00 entropy novus
425 2 169.00 Tx001 Not occupied
426 3 169.00 Tx001 Not occupied
427 Founders House 168.00 Hepatitis Not occupied
428 The Dump 168.00 Voodoo Not occupied
429 The Slab 168.00 Voodoo Not occupied
430 NiNa_3 168.00 Nick Name Not occupied
431 Arkas 167.00 Emperor Aguirres Not occupied
432 Tango Urila 167.00 Emperor Aguirres Not occupied
433 Apolon 167.00 Emperor Aguirres Not occupied
434 Balyn 167.00 Emperor Aguirres Not occupied
435 Oppalas 167.00 Emperor Aguirres Not occupied
436 12 166.00 Chargercrazy Not occupied
437 NiNa_6 166.00 Nick Name Not occupied
438 Ergeron 166.00 Emperor Aguirres Not occupied
439 Baker 166.00 entropy novus
440 Terror Cove 165.00 Hepatitis Not occupied
441 J-Space 165.00 The Clown Not occupied
442 NiNa_1 164.00 Nick Name Not occupied
443 NiNa_2 164.00 Nick Name Not occupied
444 NiNa_5 164.00 Nick Name Not occupied
445 NiNa_8 163.00 Nick Name Not occupied
446 Dasani 163.00 Emperor Aguirres Not occupied
447 Devus 163.00 Emperor Aguirres Not occupied
448 The Hole 162.00 Voodoo Not occupied
449 4 162.00 Tx001 Not occupied
450 Anaruh 162.00 Emperor Aguirres Not occupied
451 Orocks 162.00 Emperor Aguirres Not occupied
452 Iberius 162.00 Emperor Aguirres Not occupied
453 The Boondocks 160.00 Voodoo Not occupied
454 NiNa_7 160.00 Nick Name Not occupied
455 base 4 159.00 deathinspace Not occupied
456 Beesh 159.00 Chargercrazy Not occupied
457 Ayo?o? Tsoh 159.00 Chargercrazy Not occupied
458 NiNa_4 159.00 Nick Name Not occupied
459 NiNa_9 159.00 Nick Name Not occupied
460 The Rock 158.00 Voodoo Not occupied
461 Fear Factor 158.00 Hepatitis Not occupied
462 Lily Pad 158.00 Mechman Not occupied
463 H16 ???? 158.00 Terminator Not occupied
464 Dog 158.00 entropy novus
465 The Scrapyard 157.00 Voodoo Not occupied
466 The Sticks 157.00 Voodoo Not occupied
467 Swap Out 157.00 Mechman Not occupied
468 Draxia Primoris 155.00 Voodoo Not occupied
469 How 155.00 entropy novus
470 Item 155.00 entropy novus
471 The Void 154.00 Voodoo Not occupied
472 Home Planet 154.00 Tx001 Not occupied
473 Armscor 154.00 Beezling Not occupied
474 Ironhold 154.00 Beezling Not occupied
475 Draxia Secundus 151.00 Voodoo Not occupied
476 H11 ?? 151.00 Terminator Not occupied
477 Seclusion 150.00 Beezling Not occupied
478 Labatha 149.00 PJ Not occupied
479 9 149.00 Chargercrazy Not occupied
480 11 148.00 Chargercrazy Not occupied
481 Sartago 147.00 Beezling Not occupied
482 Easy 146.00 entropy novus
483 Rubicon 145.00 Beezling Not occupied
484 Garissa 145.00 Beezling Not occupied
485 Titan ?? 144.00 Terminator Not occupied
486 base 10 143.00 deathinspace Not occupied
487 K-Space 143.00 The Clown Not occupied
488 Hooghan ?eezh 142.00 Chargercrazy Not occupied
489 Paradigms Loom 142.00 The Primordial Not occupied
490 Able 140.00 entropy novus
491 King 139.00 entropy novus
492 base 2 137.00 deathinspace Not occupied
493 Vortis 137.00 Emperor Aguirres Not occupied
494 Nexus 136.00 Beezling Not occupied
495 Base 08-1 136.00 CyBoT Not occupied
496 UC 24-246211 136.00 Charizard
497 Sybron 134.00 Beezling Not occupied
498 Erde-Tyrene 132.00 The Primordial Not occupied
499 base 11 128.00 deathinspace Not occupied
500 Charum Hakkor 128.00 The Primordial Not occupied
501 UC 24-628711 127.00 Not occupied
502 H09 126.00 Terminator Not occupied
503 Path Kethona 126.00 The Primordial Not occupied
504 base 8 125.00 deathinspace Not occupied
505 base 9 120.00 deathinspace Not occupied
506 Hyperion Prime 120.00 Beezling Not occupied
507 UC 23-263540 120.00 novus
508 base 3 119.00 deathinspace Not occupied
509 The Greater Ark 119.00 The Primordial Not occupied
510 UC 17-522323 119.00 Finch
511 Galapagos 118.00 Emperor Aguirres Not occupied
512 UC 14-508611 118.00 Finch
513 Lesser Ark 116.00 The Primordial Not occupied
514 UC 20-521731 116.00 Finch
515 UC 06-723930 116.00 novus
516 UC 04-357611 116.00 novus
517 229-Rock-55-P 115.00 Bigman Not occupied
518 H17 114.00 Terminator Not occupied
519 UC 03-681320 114.00 novus
520 UC 27-521820 114.00 805 Destroyer
521 UC 17-189133 114.00 Finch
522 The Domain 113.00 The Primordial Not occupied
523 UC 26-452231 112.00 805 Destroyer
524 UC 28-682031 112.00 805 Destroyer
525 UC 29-535931 112.00 805 Destroyer
526 UC 02-751551 112.00 Finch
527 UC 27-387832 112.00 805 Destroyer
528 UC 21-539210 111.00 Finch
529 UC 04-322231 111.00 Finch
530 UC 06-428232 111.00 novus
531 UC 05-451032 111.00 Finch
532 UC 22-756710 110.00 novus
533 UC 21-308912 110.00 Finch
534 UC 00-109930 110.00 Finch
535 UC 15-539120 110.00 Finch
536 UC 19-930221 110.00 Finch
537 UC 07-555111 109.00 Finch
538 4 107.00 Skull Not occupied
539 6 107.00 Skull Not occupied
540 UC 25-638243 107.00 805 Destroyer
541 UC 00-356441 107.00 Finch
542 Pokeball 9 107.00 Charizard Not occupied
543 Zeta Halo 106.00 The Primordial Not occupied
544 UC 03-469541 105.00 novus
545 base 6 104.00 deathinspace Not occupied
546 H13 A2 C6 P14* 103.00 ZOOMBIEMASTER Not occupied
547 base 1 103.00 deathinspace Not occupied
548 429-Rock-54-P 103.00 Bigman Not occupied
549 Pokeball 8 103.00 Charizard Not occupied
550 H17 A3 C4 P14* 102.00 ZOOMBIEMASTER Not occupied
551 H29 A4 C6 P15 101.00 ZOOMBIEMASTER Not occupied
552 H14 A2 C2 G14* 101.00 ZOOMBIEMASTER Not occupied
553 UC 02-277841 101.00 Finch
554 UC 05-441142 101.00 Finch
555 UC 10-631442 101.00 Finch
556 UC 18-506651 101.00 Finch
557 UC 08-561652 101.00 novus
558 H16 A2 C4 P15 100.00 ZOOMBIEMASTER Not occupied
559 H12 A2 C1 P15 100.00 ZOOMBIEMASTER Not occupied
560 H11 A2 C3 P15 100.00 ZOOMBIEMASTER Not occupied
561 H19 A3 C2 G16 100.00 ZOOMBIEMASTER Not occupied
562 5 100.00 Skull Not occupied
563 H18 A3 C5 G14* 99.00 ZOOMBIEMASTER Not occupied
564 329-Rock-45-P 97.00 Bigman Not occupied
565 Trash Treasure 97.00 Muk Charizard
566 Not Nice Flour 96.00 Flourchu Not occupied
567 H10 A2 C3 P15 95.00 ZOOMBIEMASTER Not occupied
568 Big Base 95.00 DrDoom Not occupied
569 Multigrain Flour 95.00 Flourchu Not occupied
570 H15 A4 C3 G15 94.00 ZOOMBIEMASTER Not occupied
571 Pokeball 6 93.00 Charizard Not occupied
572 UC 18-772221 93.00 Finch
573 H22 A4 C0 P14 92.00 ZOOMBIEMASTER Not occupied
574 Bastion 92.00 The Primordial Not occupied
575 Plain Flour 92.00 Flourchu Not occupied
576 UC 11-888011 91.00 Finch
577 129-Rock-44-PR 90.00 Bigman Not occupied
578 Instant Flour 90.00 Flourchu Not occupied
579 UC 29-136820 90.00 805 Destroyer
580 base 7 89.00 deathinspace Not occupied
581 2 89.00 Skull Not occupied
582 Mini Base 89.00 DrDoom Not occupied
583 Pokeball 7 88.00 Charizard Not occupied
584 UC 13-658430 88.00 Finch
585 UC 23-358113 88.00 Not occupied
586 H25 A4 C0 P15 87.00 ZOOMBIEMASTER Not occupied
587 Pokeball 1 87.00 Charizard Not occupied
588 Weevil Flour 87.00 Flourchu Not occupied
589 Retreat 86.00 DrDoom Not occupied
590 529-Rock-24-P 86.00 Bigman Not occupied
591 UC 09-531911 86.00 Finch
592 UC 12-831220 86.00 Finch
593 UC 10-367610 86.00 Finch
594 3 85.00 Skull Not occupied
595 UC 19-322422 85.00 Finch
596 UC 09-857041 84.00 Finch
597 Tridumpty-World 83.00 Mr.Cheshires CatBoy Not occupied
598 Gutter Butter 83.00 Muk Charizard
599 UC 16-279910 83.00 Finch
600 7 80.00 Skull Not occupied
601 Literally Flour 80.00 Flourchu Not occupied
602 UC 11-131610 79.00 Finch
603 Mud Slide 77.00 Muk Charizard
604 UC 12-556511 77.00 Finch
605 Holiday Inn 76.00 DrDoom Not occupied
606 UC 01-561311 76.00 Finch
607 Home Planet 75.00 Skull Not occupied
608 Muk Backwards 75.00 Muk Charizard
609 Mukbang 75.00 Muk Charizard
610 UC 20-359820 75.00 Finch
611 UC 08-271431 75.00 Finch
612 UC 14-839832 75.00 Finch
613 Sewer Pit 74.00 Muk Not occupied
614 UC 25-442311 73.00 805 Destroyer
615 UC 13-730131 73.00 Finch
616 HareMars-World 72.00 Mr.Cheshires CatBoy Not occupied
617 UC 22-464340 72.00 Finch
618 UC 15-265151 72.00 Finch
619 UC 07-447711 72.00 Finch
620 629-Rock-97-P 71.00 Bigman Not occupied
621 MadHatted-World 71.00 Mr.Cheshires CatBoy Not occupied
622 AliceLibellWorld 71.00 Mr.Cheshires CatBoy Not occupied
623 Lorina-World 71.00 Mr.Cheshires CatBoy Not occupied
624 Pokeball 2 71.00 Charizard Not occupied
625 Pokeball 3 71.00 Charizard Not occupied
626 Pokeball 4 71.00 Charizard Not occupied
627 Pokeball 5 71.00 Charizard Not occupied
628 UC 28-642650 71.00 805 Destroyer
629 829-Rock-71-P 70.00 Bigman Not occupied
630 929-Rock-63-P 70.00 Bigman Not occupied
631 WonderLandWorld 70.00 Mr.Cheshires CatBoy Not occupied
632 UC 16-644812 70.00 Finch
633 UC 01-747140 70.00 Finch
634 8 68.00 Skull Not occupied
635 Vacation 68.00 DrDoom Not occupied
636 XxxTheAsylumxxX 67.00 Sexy Asylum Not occupied
637 XxxBlock6xxX 67.00 Sexy Asylum Not occupied
638 AbsolenWormWorld 67.00 Mr.Cheshires CatBoy Not occupied
639 XxxBlock4xxX 63.00 Sexy Asylum Not occupied
640 XxxBlock5xxX 63.00 Sexy Asylum Not occupied
641 HearthQueenWorld 63.00 Mr.Cheshires CatBoy Not occupied
642 Pokeball 10 63.00 Charizard Not occupied
643 XxxBlock5xxX 62.00 Sexy Asylum Not occupied
644 UC 26-244821 62.00 805 Destroyer
645 XxxBlock2xxX 61.00 Sexy Asylum Not occupied
646 XxxBlock3xxX 61.00 Sexy Asylum Not occupied
647 XxxBlock7xxX 61.00 Sexy Asylum Not occupied
648 729-Astro-88-AG 61.00 Bigman Not occupied
649 WhiteBonny-World 60.00 Mr.Cheshires CatBoy Not occupied
650 XxxBlock1xxX 59.00 Sexy Asylum Not occupied
651 News Station 57.00 MSSNBC News Reporter Not occupied
652 Flour 56.00 Flourchu Not occupied
653 10 50.00 Skull Not occupied
654 Hawaii 50.00 Lawrence Jacoby Not occupied
655 9 49.00 Skull Not occupied
656 Home Planet 48.00 Lanosrep Not occupied
657 11 46.00 Skull Not occupied
658 12 44.00 Skull Not occupied
659 Pokemon 44.00 Alakazam Not occupied
660 14 43.00 Skull Not occupied
661 Home Planet 43.00 Lawrence Jacoby Not occupied
662 ROID 1 43.00 Sorom Not occupied
663 . 43.00 Lawrence Jacoby Not occupied
664 ROID 2 43.00 Sorom Not occupied
665 ROID 3 43.00 Sorom Not occupied
666 4 43.00 Lawrence Jacoby Not occupied
667 ROID 4 43.00 Sorom Not occupied
668 ROID 5 43.00 Sorom Not occupied
669 ROID 6 43.00 Sorom Not occupied
670 ROID 7 43.00 Sorom Not occupied
671 ROID 8 43.00 Sorom Not occupied
672 Home Planet 42.00 Guard Floof Not occupied
673 . 42.00 Guard Floof Not occupied
674 . 42.00 Guard Floof Not occupied
675 . 42.00 Guard Floof Not occupied
676 dos 42.00 BOB Not occupied
677 2 42.00 The Giant Not occupied
678 Stinky Pinky 42.00 Muk Charizard
679 Rockbagde gym 41.00 Alakazam Not occupied
680 XxxBlock19xxX 40.00 Sexy Asylum Not occupied
681 Home Planet 40.00 Blaziken Not occupied
682 Oak Labs 40.00 Alakazam Not occupied
683 Pokéstop 40.00 Alakazam Not occupied
684 News Shack 39.00 MSSNBC News Reporter Not occupied
685 4 39.00 The Giant Not occupied
686 Dirty Socks 39.00 Muk Charizard
687 James 38.00 Lanosrep Not occupied
688 . 38.00 Guard Floof Not occupied
689 Ash?s home 38.00 Alakazam Not occupied
690 Home Planet 38.00 The Giant Not occupied
691 3 38.00 BOB Not occupied
692 3 38.00 The Giant Not occupied
693 2 37.00 Blaziken Not occupied
694 3 37.00 Blaziken Not occupied
695 4 37.00 Blaziken Not occupied
696 5 37.00 Blaziken Not occupied
697 XxxBlock19xxX 36.00 Sexy Asylum Not occupied
698 Miller-Soxa 36.00 Grant-D Not occupied
699 7 36.00 BOB Flourchu
700 16 35.00 Skull Not occupied
701 4 34.00 BOB Not occupied
702 14 31.00 Sexy Asylum Not occupied
703 13 30.00 Skull Not occupied
704 Home Planet 30.00 BOB Not occupied
705 News Studio 29.00 MSSNBC News Reporter Not occupied
706 MI5 28.00 Lanosrep Not occupied
707 17 28.00 Skull Not occupied
708 MeatHouse 27.00 DrDoom Not occupied
709 Home Planet 26.00 cia war corresponden Not occupied
710 15 26.00 Skull Not occupied
711 oops 22.00 Lawrence Jacoby Not occupied
712 Home Planet 20.00 Aspidas Not occupied
713 Q 15.00 Lanosrep Not occupied
714 Home Planet 15.00 WarCorrespondent Not occupied
715 6 14.00 BOB Not occupied
716 Home Planet 10.00 exo Not occupied
717 Opal-3 6.00 Grant-D Not occupied
718 Aspidasara 5.00 Aspidas Not occupied