Statistics for guild [GTK W] Galactic Templar Knights on Axion

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Member Statistics (19 September 2024) Share this page

Only members who rank in the top 1000 overall for a category are listed. Other members may not be shown or will have statistics missing.

Player Level Economy Fleet Technology Experience
1 Cocinelle 56.31 2,387 11,820 9,806,107 46,387
2 Duke 45.14 3,473 597,515 3,207,163 565,395
3 Batonga76 42.08 3,574 202,380 2,575,945 313,520
4 Rarika 41.02 2,429 15,990 2,573,206 36,688
5 deRobere 40.26 741 25,520 2,527,254 61,866
6 Fratus Sinister 39.59 1,264 251,220 2,078,889 102,761
7 psychopoet 39.11 2,375 152,480 1,949,639 99,240
8 ZickoCRO 34.16 928 270,000 998,644 94,578
9 Fenplag 30.83 543 102,620 746,063 64,381
10 Musashi35 30.15 564 46,950 723,158 49,892
11 Iskander Planets 29.31 330 13,545 691,467 609
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