Statistics for guild [CMB] Crimson Blood on Bolt

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Member Statistics (18 September 2024) Share this page

Only members who rank in the top 1000 overall for a category are listed. Other members may not be shown or will have statistics missing.

Player Level Economy Fleet Technology Experience
1 Veress 41.37 4,073 783,855 1,737,893 399,416
2 Tetsu 39.72 3,448 1,343,330 800,013 55,998
3 Lianna 39.40 4,538 906,500 1,049,725 202,716
4 Grizzly 38.63 3,517 1,310,070 564,587 35,867
5 Barbon 36.98 2,368 317,930 1,315,029 137,318
6 Alexander 35.92 2,503 727,115 688,952 267,915
7 Grouchy Gramps 35.89 2,558 385,130 1,018,552 63,470
8 Crimson Blood 35.19 1,417 241,870 1,150,629 81,172
9 Helium 35.00 2,949 145,760 1,060,807 162,248
10 Aen0914 34.55 1,856 315,710 923,510 193,845
11 WrenchRat 34.20 1,888 254,125 924,926 103,939
12 Rymninksky 32.48 2,524 297,605 562,806 62,167
13 Beans 32.22 1,415 188,920 747,307 60,074
14 CaptFlagg 31.60 1,013 63,180 832,382 157,354
15 RagNar 30.32 1,185 160,000 566,780 68,176
16 Nightly Hunter 29.93 1,584 29,865 614,209 11,042
17 Player of Games 29.87 1,046 23,750 667,466 119,260
18 Gr1mR3ap3r 29.85 871 108,300 598,712 17,886
19 Warsmith Khazad 24.77 772 34,185 264,992 5,287
20 Bobdabillder 24.12 681 90,710 179,395 25,269
21 420BootyWizard 23.57 671 23,220 218,571 50
22 I Am Vengeance 19.64 784 28,485 41,980 720
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