Statistics for guild [ASAE] The Real Deal on Falcon

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Member Statistics (19 September 2024) Share this page

Only members who rank in the top 1000 overall for a category are listed. Other members may not be shown or will have statistics missing.

Player Level Economy Fleet Technology Experience
1 His_Shadow 70.19 4,450 1,057,020 22,763,713 941,973
2 Mortator 54.26 3,611 1,155,045 7,149,489 538,256
3 xggroger2 49.46 2,061 418,600 5,360,726 10,197
4 Fenixia 46.82 1,857 121,655 4,496,039 47,142
5 Akrabaraka 42.27 814 461,925 2,648,246 170,543
6 Mechman 33.42 769 116,910 1,053,629 6,434
7 LegioX 29.69 2,004 60,130 516,830 5,278
8 Atreides 27.95 709 2,000 537,645 5
9 Terror Troy 8.74 49 570 368 0
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