Statistics for guild [WW] Wild Wolves on Genesis

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Member Statistics (19 September 2024) Share this page

Only members who rank in the top 1000 overall for a category are listed. Other members may not be shown or will have statistics missing.

Player Level Economy Fleet Technology Experience
1 Returned 71.86 8,043 6,274,115 19,582,234 377,787
2 Psychotic Rage 63.92 5,992 12,407,380 3,686,864 528,440
3 Brogdor 59.01 7,630 2,513,040 8,848,716 8,877
4 Cracoucas 58.39 3,132 339,040 10,970,627 93,956
5 Redwolf 58.25 3,083 7,367,720 3,836,791 144,111
6 Tailspin 57.10 5,539 1,230,350 8,843,722 109,137
7 Wolfkin 53.74 3,457 3,419,120 4,574,092 141,363
8 Jakin 52.39 5,555 759,315 6,222,314 326,562
9 Kaspar 51.79 6,450 749,600 5,800,151 297,761
10 Audri 50.32 1,966 3,743,120 2,474,123 257,480
11 Jabbystick 49.52 3,743 2,587,135 3,051,465 258,297
12 deRobere 48.57 2,570 90,700 5,219,397 203,031
13 lobo 47.73 3,483 638,590 4,205,123 66,115
14 Riff Raff 47.09 4,878 1,679,490 2,750,199 561,730
15 Lemulus 46.95 2,246 413,570 4,219,996 66,819
16 Canismajoris 46.91 2,191 158,400 4,466,970 267,854
17 Rigelein Star Empire 46.58 2,134 873,040 3,620,253 77,817
18 randalthor 46.40 4,755 638,050 3,520,848 131,994
19 DarkWolf 46.27 1,882 1,250,145 3,146,077 142,362
20 Dorick 46.03 2,393 1,472,080 2,777,546 413,091
21 alt429cj 42.96 2,148 4,095 3,185,650 261,414
22 White Wolf 39.78 2,265 902,640 1,375,922 1,323,996
23 Fubarius 39.30 2,312 283,310 1,870,701 560,431
24 Galaxy of St Barbara 38.44 4,765 97,960 1,608,267 264,454
25 King Chaos 37.22 1,790 959,585 781,396 259,289
26 Solaris 37.07 1,193 119,900 1,648,449 183,766
27 Lunazy 34.73 1,182 861,015 475,967 318,416
28 Jay 0.00 0 0 0 0
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