Statistics for guild [ASAE] ALL Servers Accounts Expanding on Mystic

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Member Statistics (08 September 2024) Share this page

Only members who rank in the top 1000 overall for a category are listed. Other members may not be shown or will have statistics missing.

Player Level Economy Fleet Technology Experience
1 Coco 114.18 9,096 1,104,930 167,960,734 871,357
2 Lacplesis 91.33 7,180 2,397,585 66,472,540 1,376,001
3 Rockstadt 86.75 3,731 1,347,080 54,906,267 2,646,303
4 Kreegan 80.36 1,946 162,500 41,352,624 638,047
5 CD30-RV90 74.34 4,136 268,555 29,864,368 1,383,830
6 Waffle 69.84 1,283 116,970 23,540,165 113,256
7 Mechman 59.07 1,059 272,940 11,795,284 75,786
8 Hermann 58.00 1,652 2,106,440 9,044,184 602,646
9 His_Shadow 37.99 940 143,265 1,845,544 34,737
10 deathinspace 37.27 370 5,700 1,886,376 3,877
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